{ "My Apps": "My Apps", "_t": "Tue Oct 22 2019 17:30:17 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)", "__t.comment": "{Locked}", "appTitle": "Apps dashboard", "frenchAccessibilityLinkText": "Accessibility: partially comformant", "Apps": "Apps", "All Apps": "All apps", "My Groups": "My Groups", "Search apps": "Search apps", "noResultsForSearchTerm": "No results for '{{searchTerm}}'", "resultsForSearchTerm": "Showing results for '{{searchTerm}}'", "Name": "Name", "Permissions": "Permissions", "App permissions": "App permissions", "Delete": "Delete", "Restore": "Reset", "Cancel": "Cancel", "Create": "Create", "termsAndConditions": "Terms and conditions", "returnToDashboard": "Return to Dashboard", "manageAppUsersTitle": "App assignment", "manageAppUsersDescription": "Manage the list of users that have access to this resource in Microsoft Entra", "manageAppUsersLink": "Manage users", "Revoked permssions for app '{{appName}}'": "Revoked permissions for app '{{appName}}'.", "Something went wrong while revoking permissions.": "Something went wrong while revoking permissions.", "emptyGrantsHeader": "Permissions", "emptyGrantsDescription": "This app does not have any permissions.", "userGrantsHeader": "Permissions you consented to", "userGrantsDescription": "Some apps use your data to customize the experience. You can revoke consent for these permissions, but you will be asked to grant it again when you launch the app.", "adminGrantsHeader": "Permissions consented by your admin", "adminGrantsDescription": "Your admin has granted this app access to your data. You cannot revoke consent for these permissions.", "revokeConsent": "Revoke consent", "revokeConsentSuccess": "Successfully revoked consent", "revokeConsentFailure": "Failed to revoke consent", "setCredentialsSuccess": "Credentials saved", "setCredentialsFailure": "Error saving credentials", "deleteCredentialsSuccess": "Credentials deleted", "deleteCredentialsFailure": "Error deleting credentials", "Confirm": "Confirm", "Password": "Password", "Saved sign-ins": "Saved sign-ins", "Favorites": "Favorites", "Revoked permissions for app '{{appName}}'.": "Revoked permissions for app '{{appName}}'.", "loading": "Loading", "error": "Error", "Loading…": "Loading…", "Add apps": "Add apps", "addItemsTitle": "Add apps to collection", "addAppFromLibrary": "App from library", "addSiteFromUrl": "Site from URL", "New": "New...", "My Apps Secure Sign-in Extension": "My Apps Secure Sign-in Extension", "Install": "Install", "Close": "Close", "Continue": "Continue", "Sign out": "Sign out", "MyGroups": "MyGroups", "customizeView": "Customize view", "manageAll": "Manage collections", "layout": "Layout", "switchToGridView": "Switch to grid view", "switchToListView": "Switch to list view", "switchToFocusMode": "Switch to focus mode", "switchToContinuousMode": "Switch to continuous mode", "Loading app details…": "Loading app details…", "Some apps use your data to customize the experience. While some apps allow you to revoke permissions, you will be asked to grant them again when you launch this app.": "Some apps use your data to customize the experience. While some apps allow you to revoke permissions, you will be asked to grant them again when you launch this app.", "This app does not have any permissions.": "This app does not have any permissions.", "Permissions I consented to": "Permissions I consented to", "ManageApp": "ManageApp", "Permissions your admin consented to": "Permissions your admin consented to", "An unexpected error has occurred": "An unexpected error has occurred", "There are no permissions to which you have consented for this app": "There are no permissions to which you have consented for this app", "There are no permissions to which your admin has consented for this app": "There are no permissions to which your admin has consented for this app", "Accounts": "Accounts", "This app does not have any accounts.": "This app does not have any accounts.", "Accounts I manage": "Accounts I manage", "You don't currently manage any accounts": "You don't currently manage any accounts", "Revoke Permission": "Revoke Permission", "Revoke": "Revoke", "Revoke Permissions": "Revoke Permissions", "Revoking access can reduce the functionality of your app. If you choose to revoke, you may be asked to grant these permissions again when you launch this app. ": "Revoking access can reduce the functionality of your app. If you choose to revoke, you may be asked to grant these permissions again when you launch this app. ", "Are you sure you want to revoke this access? (Note it will take several minutes for these changes to be reflected.)": "Are you sure you want to revoke this access? (Note it will take several minutes for these changes to be reflected.)", "Remove this account?": "Remove this account?", "Removing this account will delete the information saved and make it so you can't launch {{appname}} with this account": "Removing this account will delete the information saved and make it so you can't launch {{appname}} with this account", "Are you sure you want to remove this account?": "Are you sure you want to remove this account?", "Remove": "Remove", "Edit account info": "Edit account info", "Loading accounts...": "Loading accounts...", "Done": "Done", "Email": "Email address", "emailPlaceholder": "example@domain.com", "Account name": "Account name", "User name": "User name", "Company": "Company", "Company code": "Company code", "Company ID": "Company ID", "Company name": "Company name", "Domain": "Domain", "Domain name": "Domain name", "Email or user name": "Email or user name", "Loading app permissions…": "Loading app permissions…", "openContextMenu": "Open this app's context menu", "copyLink": "Copy link", "manageApplication": "Manage your application", "deleteCollectionWarning": "Delete {{collectionName}}", "restoreCollectionTitle": "Reset {{collectionName}} view?", "restoreCollectionBody": "This unhides any apps that have been removed and resets them to alphabetical order. You can’t undo this action.", "areYouSure": "Are you sure?", "feedbackTitle": "Tell us what you think", "npsQuestion": "How likely are you to recommend My Apps to others?", "thankYouMessage": "Thank you for your feedback!", "feedbackReceivedMessage": "You're helping us make Microsoft products better.", "missingRequiredFields": "Please fill out all the required fields.", "comments": "What can we do to improve our website?", "commentsPlaceholder": "Please avoid including any personal information such as email, name, phone number, etc.", "footerText": "By pressing send, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services. Your IT admin will be able to collect this data.", "send": "Send", "notNow": "Not now", "toastMessageHeader": "We'd love to hear your feedback!", "notLikely": "Not at all likely", "somewhatLikely": "Somewhat likely", "neutral": "Neutral", "veryLikely": "Very likely", "extremelyLikely": "Extremely likely", "privacyStatement": "Privacy Statement", "editSsoAccountSuccessMessage": "Your account info was edited successfully", "editSsoAccountFailMessage": "There was an error while trying to edit your account info. Please try again", "deleteSsoAccountSuccessMessage": "Your account info was deleted successfully", "deleteSsoAccountFailMessage": "There was an error while trying to delete your account info. Please try again", "createSsoAccountSuccessMessage": "Your account info was created successfully", "createSsoAccountFailMessage": "There was an error while trying to create your account info. Please try again", "refreshPage": "Refresh the page to try again.", "unknownErrorTitle": "Something went wrong", "refresh": "Refresh", "viewAll": "View all", "viewMore": "View more", "viewLess": "View less", "correlationId": "Correlation Id", "details": "Details", "errorCode": "Error code", "sessionId": "Session Id", "userId": "User Id", "action": "Action", "time": "Time", "downloadError": "Download error", "email": "Email address", "allowMicrosoftContact": "Microsoft can email me about my feedback", "invalidEmailAlertMessage": "Please enter a valid email address", "requestNewApps": "Request new apps", "requestAccess": "Request access", "User ID": "User ID", "tenantBranding": "{{displayName}} logo", "organizations": "Organizations", "loadingOrganizations": "Loading organizations", "emptyOrganizations": "Your account does not belong to any other organizations.", "loaded": "Finished loading", "getOrganizationsError": "Cannot get organizations, please refresh and try again.", "help": "Help", "settings": "Settings", "viewApps": "View Apps", "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", "privacy": "Privacy", "accountManager": "Account manager", "switchOrganization": "Switch organization", "more": "More Options", "moreMenuTitle": "{{collectionName}} More Options", "leaveNewExp": "Leave new experience", "fallbackWaffleHeaderText": "App launcher is not available", "fallbackWaffleMainText": "This is unavailable due to your account permissions and company's settings", "myAccount": "My Account", "myAccess": "My Access", "myGroups": "My Groups", "create": "Create collection", "addApps": "Add apps", "addSite": "Add a site", "search": "Search", "add{{number}}": "Add {{number}}", "applicationsReturned{{number}}": "Applications returned: {{number}}", "edit": "Edit", "moveUp": "Move up", "moveDown": "Move down", "moveLeft": "Move left", "moveRight": "Move right", "cannotEditAdminCollection": "You can not edit this collection", "noAppsToAdd": "This collection already contains all your apps", "save": "Save", "remove": "Remove", "editCollection{{name}}": "Edit collection {{name}}", "removeApp{{name}}": "Remove app {{name}}", "hide": "Hide", "show": "Show", "hidden": "Hidden", "resetToDefault": "Reset to default", "hiddenCollectionsList": "Hidden collections list", "manageAppUsers": "Manage users of this app using the Entra portal", "Users": "Users", "removeAppFromCollection": "Remove", "addAppToCollection": "Add to collection", "Add account info": "Add account info", "requiredField": " required field", "List view": "List view", "openAppsContextMenu": "app context menu", "openCollectionContextMenu": "{{collectionName}} collection context menu", "Grid view": "Grid view", "previous": "Previous", "next": "Next", "recommendations": "Recommended apps", "redirectError": "You can only access this site with a work account.", "noAvailableAADTenant": "Sign out to log in with another account.", "skipToContent": "Skip to content (press enter)", "noAppToShow": "There are no apps to show.", "addAppToThisCollection": "Add apps to this collection", "hideThisCollection": "Hide this collection", "noCollectionVisible": "There are no visible collections.", "clickHereToManage": "Click here to manage them", "bookmarkModalTitle": "Add a site", "bookmarkEditModalTitle": "Edit site", "bookmarkNameFieldLabel": "Name", "bookmarkNameFieldEmptyErrorMessage": "A name is required.", "bookmarkNameFieldWhitespaceErrorMessage": "Name must contain visible characters.", "bookmarkNameFieldTooLongErrorMessage": "Name must be 120 characters or fewer.", "bookmarkUrlFieldLabel": "URL", "bookmarkUrlFieldEmptyErrorMessage": "A URL is required.", "bookmarkUrlFieldTooLongErrorMessage": "URL must be 2046 characters or fewer.", "bookmarkUrlFieldInvalidErrorMessage": "404: this site does not exist.", "bookmarkUrlFieldInsecureErrorMessage": "Only https:// urls are supported.", "bookmarkFallbackLogoAltText": "Default logo", "bookmarkFaviconLogoAltText": "Site logo", "bookmarkCollectionFieldLabel": "Add to collection (optional)", "bookmarkCollectionFieldPlaceholder": "Select from list...", "bookmarkCollectionFieldEmpty": "You don't own any collections yet.", "bookmarkModalSubmitButtonLabel": "Save", "bookmarkModalCancelButtonLabel": "Cancel", "bookmarkModalCloseButtonLabel": "Close", "bookmarkErrorDismissButtonLabel": "Dismiss", "bookmarkApiResponseErrorMessage": "Something went wrong, please try again later", "bookmarkDeleteModalTitle": "Delete site", "bookmarkDeleteModalBody": "Deleting this site will remove it from all collections.", "bookmarkDeleteModalSubmitButtonLabel": "Delete", "searchApps": "Search apps", "closeButtonAriaLabel": "Close", "switchOrgIntroText": "Select an organization below to sign in.", "currentOrganizationTitle": "You're signed in with:", "otherOrganizationsTitle": "Other organizations you belong to:", "manageOrganizationsLinkText": "Manage organizations", "reorderCollection": "Reorder", "unknownCollectionError": "This collection is not currently available.", "tooFewPopularTilesError": "There isn't enough activity to show popular apps.", "tooFewRecentTilesError": "No apps have been used recently.", "personalCollection": "Personal Collection", "numberOfResults": "result count: {{number}}", "listAriaLabel": "{{name}} button, To access delete press right arrow, Press space bar to start a drag. When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and press Enter to stop dragging.", "itemsCountMessage": "{{itemsCount}} Apps found", "grabbingItem": "You have lifted an item in position {{startIndex}} in collection {{startContainer}}", "droppingItem": "You have dropped the item in position {{endIndex}} in collection {{endContainer}}", "movingItem": "You have moved the item from position {{startIndex}} to position {{endIndex}}", "copyingItem": "This will copy an the item from position {{startIndex}} in list {{startContainer}} to list {{endContainer}} in position {{endIndex}}", "movingItemToNewList": "You have moved the item from position {{startIndex}} in list {{startContainer}} to list {{endContainer}} in position {{endIndex}}", "genericApiFailure": "Something went wrong, please try again later", "createCollectionFailure": "Failed to create collection", "hideCollectionFailure": "Failed to hide collection", "deleteCollectionFailure": "Failed to delete collection", "updateCollectionFailure": "Failed to update collection", "startDragInstructions": "Press space bar to start a drag. When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.", "viewAppDescriptionMenuButton": "More info", "Provide feedback": "Provide feedback", "Help": "Help", "Terms of Service": "Terms of Service", "Ok": "Ok", "Execute search": "Execute search", "unexpectedError": "An unexpected error has occurred", "duplicateAppErrorMove": "App could not be moved. App already exists in collection", "duplicateAppErrorCopy": "App could not be added. App already exists in collection.", "editAdminCollectionError" : "This collection cannot be edited", "Please ensure that cookies are enabled and sign out to try again": "Please ensure that cookies are enabled and sign out to try again", "noItemsMessage": "This list is empty", "We ran into a problem because your browser does not allow pop-ups. Please allow pop-ups in your browser settings and refresh the page to try again.": "We ran into a problem because your browser does not allow pop-ups. Please allow pop-ups in your browser settings and refresh the page to try again.", "Signin": "Signin", "appOrderChangeSuccess": "Order of apps changed", "collectionOrderChangeSuccess": "Order of collections changed", "collectionCreatedSuccess": "Collection created", "collectionHiddenSuccess": "Collection hidden", "collectionUpdateSuccess": "Collection updated", "siteCreatedSuccess": "Site created", "siteUpdatedSuccess": "Site updated", "appAddSuccess": "App added", "appMoveSuccess": "App moved", "emptyCollectionFirstLine": "Drag and drop items here", "emptyCollectionSecondLine": "or", "createCollectionTitle": "Create new collection", "collectionItemListSubheading": "Apps in collection", "noAppsToDisplayMessage": "No apps to display", "applyChangesButtonLabel": "Apply", "newCollectionButtonLabel": "New collection", "addItemsSelectAllCheckboxTitle": "Select All", "editCollectionTitle": "Edit collection", "add": "Add", "addItemsSubmitBtnLabel": "Add ({{selectedItemsCount}})", "hiddenCollection": "Hidden collections", "collectionList": "Collections in dashboard", "collectionTextFieldPlaceholder": "Ex. \"HR Apps\"", "noCollectionsToDisplayMessage": "No collections to display", "app logo": "app logo", "app name": "app name", "app url": "app url", "add app": "add app", "filteredItemsSummary": "Showing {{filteredItems}} of {{totalItems}} items.", "totalItemsSummary": "Showing {{totalItems}} items total.", "loadingApps": "Loading apps", "loadingAppsError": "Loading apps failed with error {{error}}.", "availableAppsToRequest": "Available apps to request", "searchByName": "Search by name", "clearFilters": "Clear filters", "addAppConfirmationTitle": "Add app confirmation", "addAppConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to add the application {{appName}} to your Apps collection?", "businessJustificationLabel": "Please provide a business justification:", "appAddedMessage": "A new app {{appName}} was added to your Apps collection.", "addAppError": "Adding app {{appName}} failed with error {{error}}.", "requestPendingMessage": "Your request has been sent to the app owner.", "requestApprovedMessage": "Your request has auto-approved. Go to the applications page to see your changes.", "added": "Added", "requested": "Requested" }